[外掛] 備分資料庫 SQL Backup 1.0.11

Officially Approved MODs
由 phpBB Group 官方發展小組認證的 MOD!

版主: 版主管理群

請注意!只有發表在 [2.0.x] MOD Database Releases 的外掛,才算是官方認證的外掛。
文章: 32
註冊時間: 2004-08-19 00:00

[外掛] 備分資料庫 SQL Backup 1.0.11

文章 taicomjp »

[2.0.20]SQL Backup

代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: SQL Backup
## MOD Author: Vic D'Elfant < vic@phpbb.com > (Vic D'Elfant) http://www.coronis.nl 
## MOD Description: This MOD will add an additional module to the Administration Panel
##                  which will allow you to backup your phpBB database without having
##                  to worry about the "Maximum execution time reached" errors, which
##                  normally would prevent you from creating a full database of a
##                  large forum.
## MOD Version: 1.0.11
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 1 Minute
## Files To Edit:  language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
## Included Files: root/admin/admin_backup.php
##                 root/admin/backups/.htaccess
##                 root/admin/backups/index.htm
##                 root/includes/functions_backup.php
##                 root/includes/functions_compress.php
##                 root/includes/xml.php
##                 root/templates/subSilver/admin/backup_body.tpl
##                 root/templates/subSilver/admin/backup_progress.tpl
##                 root/templates/subSilver/admin/backup_list_body.tpl
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2 
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked 
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee 
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support 
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which 
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes:
##   - Note that this script only works with MySQL databases
## MOD History: 
##   2006-01-06 - Version 1.0
##      - First public release
##   2006-01-06 - Version 1.0.1
##      - Fixed minor issue with the .mod file
##      - Changed functions_backup.php to use mysql_escape_string()
##        instead of addslashes()
##   2006-01-19 - Version 1.0.2
##      - Modified script file to use $phpEx instead of .php
##   2006-01-31 - Version 1.0.3
##      - Fixed bug with selecting non-phpbb tables
##      - Added "Check all tables" button
##   2006-02-15 - Version 1.0.4
##      - Fixed problem which caused the backup process to fail if a table
##        didn't contain a primary key
##      - Updated Content-Type for downloading zipfiles in admin_backup.php
##   2006-02-23 - Version 1.0.5
##      - Back-ported Olympus' compression class which adds 4 alternative
##        compression methods (.tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2)
##   2006-02-23 - Version 1.0.6
##      - Updated tar compression methods
##   2006-02-24 - Version 1.0.7
##      - Updated both zip and tar compression methods
##   2006-03-25 - Version 1.0.8
##      - Added 'none' compression method, which will cause the MOD to write the
##        entire backup to a single .sql file
##      - MOD now exports tables in chunks of ~15 MB each, and compresses those chunks
##      - Backup process is considerably faster now
##      - Improved error checking during the backup process
##   2006-04-10 - Version 1.0.9
##      - Improved error checking, as suggested by TerraFrost
##      - Fixed problem with database names that contained capitals
##      - Fixed problem with compression when register_globals was enabled - da_badtz_one
##      - Added confirmation dialog when deleting a backup
##      - Backups will now be sorted from old to new at the 'Download backups' page
##   2006-04-10 - Version 1.0.10
##      - Fixed problem with .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 compression
##   2006-04-17 - Version 1.0.11
##      - Fixed issue which caused a number of lines to be missing in the backup file
##      - Added German translation - thanks to "Evil<3"
// SQL Backup
$lang['SQL_Backup'] = 'SQL 備份';
$lang['SQL_Download'] = '下載備份檔案';
$lang['SB_title'] = 'SQL 備份';
$lang['SB_compression'] = '壓縮方法';
$lang['SB_compression_th'] = '選擇壓縮方法';
$lang['SB_explain'] = 'You\'ll see a list with all table names which start with your phpBB table prefix below. The default phpBB tables have been checked already, but in case you installed MODs which created additional tables you might want to select those as well. All tables which have been checked will be included in the backup.<br /><br />The table names mentioned in bold do not belong to a standard phpBB installation and will be left out of the backup unless you place a check in front of them.';
$lang['SB_unwritable'] = '無法寫入 /admin/backups 資料夾.<br />請確認資料夾存取權限是否已設定成777';
$lang['SB_incompatible'] = 本外掛不適用你目前使用的資料庫';
$lang['SB_download_title'] = '下載備份';
$lang['SB_download_explain'] = 'Previously created backups are listed below. To download a backup to your local computer, select "Download" next to the backup which you want to download. In order to delete a backup from your server, click "刪除".';
$lang['SB_download_th_title'] = '先前備份檔案';
$lang['SB_download_datetime'] = '日期 - 時間';
$lang['SB_download_size'] = '大小';
$lang['SB_download_action'] = '動作';
$lang['SB_no_backups'] = '沒有發現備份檔案';
$lang['SB_deleted'] = '備份檔案已經成功刪除<br /><br />點選 %s這裡%s 回到SQL備份控制台首頁';
$lang['SB_failed_deleting'] = '刪除 %s 失敗';
$lang['SB_tasks_file_failed'] = '無法讀取工作檔案';
$lang['SB_sql_file_failed'] = '無法建立 SQL 備份檔案';
$lang['SB_body_th'] = '建立資料庫備份';
$lang['SB_create'] = '建立備份';
$lang['SB_select_all'] = '選擇所有表單';
$lang['SB_deselect_all'] = '反選所有表單';
$lang['SB_creating_zipfile'] = '建立壓縮檔案...';
$lang['SB_processing_th'] = '建立備份';
$lang['SB_processing_title'] = '備份建立中,請耐心等候...';
$lang['SB_processing_explain'] = '請 <b><u>勿</u></b> 關閉視窗直到備份動作已經完成';
$lang['SB_finished_msg'] = '檔份成功建立!<br /><br />你可以點選 %s這裡%s 下載檔案';
$lang['SB_error_request'] = '無法在此伺服器建立HTTP要求';
$lang['SB_error_parse'] = 'An error occured while parsing the data sent by the server. Click OK to try again, or Cancel to cancel the backup process. The data returned by server the server is as follows:';
$lang['SB_confirm_backup_delete'] = '你確定要刪除這些備份檔案?';
不過表單限制前綴是phpbb_ (看你的前綴設定)

代碼: 選擇全部

PHP >= 4.0.3 php.ini
register_long_globals on
版本: 1.0.11 (更新 04/27/06)
下載: sql_backup_v1.0.11.zip
大小: 29040 Bytes
文章: 8514
註冊時間: 2004-04-30 01:54
來自: Taiwan

[建議] 修正 lang_admin.php 筆誤

文章 心靈捕手 »

O滷蛋O 寫: 關於備分資料庫 SQL Backup 1.0.11文章內對lang_admin.php的增加code....

代碼: 選擇全部

$lang['SB_incompatible'] = 本外掛不適用你目前使用的資料庫'; 
$lang['SB_incompatible'] = '本外掛不適用你目前使用的資料庫';
Source: http://phpbb-tw.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=250744#250744
施比受有福,祝福您好運! ^_^
歡迎光臨★★心靈捕手★★ :: 討論區
