[推薦外掛] ezPortal for phpBB 2.0.x (入口網站)

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文章: 8514
註冊時間: 2004-04-30 01:54
來自: Taiwan

[推薦外掛] ezPortal for phpBB 2.0.x (入口網站)

文章 心靈捕手 »


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## MOD Title: ezPortal for phpBB 2.0.x
## MOD Author: Smartor < smartor_xp@hotmail.com > (Hoang Ngoc Tu) http://smartor.is-root.com
## MOD Description: This Mod explains you how to create a portal for phpBB2 as simple as possible. This MOD is not exactly a full functional portal system (content management system) but it looks like a portal. You should customize/modify/improve it to fit your fantasy ;). It is very EASY to install and very HANDY to modify.
## MOD Version: 2.1.8e
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 10 minutes
## Files To Edit: login.php
##                includes/page_header.php
##                templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl
##                language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## Included Files: phpbb_root/portal.php
##                 phpbb_root/fetchposts.php
##                 phpbb_root/templates/subSilver/portal_body.tpl
##                 phpbb_root/images/smartorsite_logo.gif
## Generator: MOD Studio [ ModTemplateTools 1.0.2108.38030 ]
## Author Notes: 
##	Copyright ?Smartor, 2002-2004
##	For any concerns please contact me or Minc at http://smartor.is-root.com
## This MOD is released under the GPL License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
## Intellectual Property is retained by the MOD Author(s) listed above
## MOD History:
## v2.1.8e
##	- Name-Link in the welcome-block resulted in a "hacking-attempt"-message.
##		Code-change see: http://smartor.is-root.com/viewtopic.php?p=77191#77191
## v2.1.8d
##	- URL could sometimes not get stripped propperly on the portal, updated fetchposts.php
## v2.1.8c
##	- fixed another typo in portal_body.tpl
##	- made install-file easymod-compatible
## v2.1.8b
##	- fixed my mistakes in portal_body.tpl :(
## v2.1.8a
##	- updated instructions for phpBB 2.0.10
##	- fixed some HTML code (small changes)
## v2.1.8
##	- fixed a bug: disappear 'Read Full'
## v2.1.7
##	- removed 'Read Full' link on short announcements
##	- added a new option 'Exceptional Forums' for Recent Topics Block
##	- added poster name and posted time for Recent Topics Block
##	- added scrolling effect for Recent Topics Block
##	- changed the link on Recent Topics Block to the last post
## v2.1.6
##	- solved some small issues: log in/out, stats, date/time, etc.
##	- made phpBB 2.0.4 compatibled
## v2.1.5
##	- improved some HTML code :P
##	- fixed a serious security bug in Change Style Block
## v2.1.4
##	- fixed Shadow Topic bug (for both News and Recent Topics)
##	- added Search Block: it's very cool, included both phpBB Search and Google
## v2.1.3
##	- just update ChatBox Block instruction file
## v2.1.2
##	- due to some users are not familiar with HTML coding, i provide a new bordered template -looks much better in subSilver- for portal (only HTML thing, no new PHP code)
## v2.1.1
##	- added a missing language entry for Recent Topics Block
## v2.1
##	- added some blocks: Moreover.com Newsfeed, Recent Topics
##	- removed some un-needed HTML codes
##	- fixed some bugs
##	- added "I forgot my password" link
##	- fixed some language hardcode
## v2.0.2
##	- fixed some template problems
## v2.0.1
##	- added a lost language entry
## v2.0.0
##	- completed News Feature
## v1.0.4a
##	- fixed a JavaScript problem in this file
## v1.0.4
##	- updated some blocks
## v1.0.3
##	- Fixed some typos
## v1.0.0
##	- Initial Release
## Demo/Discussion Forum:     	http://smartor.is-root.com
## ezPortal FAQ:		http://smartor.is-root.com/viewtopic.php?t=14355
## Guides on...
## - How ezPortal works
## - How to move a block
## - How to place a block into the center column ("read-full-style") 
## are available at http://www.smartor.oftheweek.de/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=6
這個外掛, 可以將您的 phpBB 論壇, 裝飾成入口網站.



其他 (修正) 參考連結:
施比受有福,祝福您好運! ^_^
歡迎光臨★★心靈捕手★★ :: 討論區
文章: 8514
註冊時間: 2004-04-30 01:54
來自: Taiwan

[建議] 另一個載點

文章 心靈捕手 »


若是原作者 Smartor 所發佈的相關外掛,
施比受有福,祝福您好運! ^_^
歡迎光臨★★心靈捕手★★ :: 討論區
