1 頁 (共 1 頁)

[phpBB2 譯文:MOD] 取消語言選擇

發表於 : 2003-08-22 00:24
Remove the language selection box and choses the default language.
For sites, with only one language.

代碼: 選擇全部

##   Hack Title:   No language select. 
##   外掛名稱: 取消語言選擇
##   Hack Version:   1.0.0 
##   外掛版本: 1.0.0
##   Author:      Antony Bailey 
##   中文譯者: bu < buhip@yahoo.co.jp > http://phpbb-tw.net/, http://super5.xxbb.net
##   Description:   Removes the language selection box. 
##   外掛說明: 移除語言選擇框
##   Compatibility:  2.0.4
##   相容版本: 2.0.4
##   Installation Level: Easy 
##   安裝難易:簡單\r
##   Installation Time: 1 minute 
##   安裝時間:1分鐘
##   Files To Edit: 1 
##   要改的檔案:1
##      functions_selects.php 
##   History: 
##      1.0.0:    Code started. 
##   版本\r
##      1.0.0:    第一個版本\r
##   Author Notes: 
##      I only have the one language on my site, and so I didn't really see the point in having the box.
##      Just takes up space, so I removed it. :) 
##   作者紀錄:
##      我只有一種語言在我的站上,所以我不想要看到有個框,只是浪費空間而已,所以我移除了它。 :)
##   Support:      http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums 
##   Copyright:      2003 No Language Select 1.0.0 - Antony Bailey 
##   You downloaded this hack from phpBBHacks.com, the #1 source for phpBB related downloads. 
##   Please visit http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums for support. 
##   This hack is released under the GPL License. 
##   這個外掛是在 GPL 之下發行的
##   This hack can be freely used, but not distributed, without permission. 
##   您可以免費的使用,但如果未經允准不要發行
##   Intellectual Property is retained by the hack author(s) listed above. 
##   智慧財產權還是規這個外掛作者所有

#-----[ OPEN 打開 ]------------------------------------------ 
#-----[ FIND 尋找 ]------------------------------------------ 
	global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;

	$dir = opendir($phpbb_root_path . $dirname);
#-----[ REPLACE WITH 取代為 ]------------------------------------------ 
// Save the code for later, might need it to find.
//	global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
//	$dir = opendir($phpbb_root_path . $dirname);
// Now the hack.
global $phpEx,$board_config; 
return strtoupper($board_config['default_lang']); 
$dir = opendir($dirname);
// Okay, now I'm done. Hope you did it right. :)
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES 儲存並且關閉所有檔案 ]-------------------------- 
# 外掛結束