[外掛] 後台最佳化資料庫 Optimize Database 1.2.2 中文化

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[外掛] 後台最佳化資料庫 Optimize Database 1.2.2 中文化

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## MOD Title: Optimize Database
## MOD Author: Sko22 < sko22@quellicheilpc.com > (N/A) http://www.quellicheilpc.com/
## MOD Description: It Checks and it Optimizes the Tables of the Database also in automatic.
## MOD Version: 1.2.2
## Installation Level: Easy 
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: 
##		common.php
##		includes/constants.php
##		admin/admin_db_utilities.php
##             language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
## Included Files: 
##		includes/optimize_database_cron.php
##		templates/subSilver/admin/db_utils_optimize_body.tpl
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
## This MOD is only for MySQL Database
## I have tested this MOD whit phpBB 2.0.4/5/6 and MySQL Database 3.23.56 and 4.0.15-nt
## Future versions can be found at http://www.quellicheilpc.com
## I've set up a support forum for my mods at http://www.quellicheilpc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1769
## This MOD is released under the GPL License. 
## Intellectual Property is retained by the MOD Author(s) listed above 
## Copyright:      ?003 Optimize Database 1.2.2 - Sko22
## MOD History: 
##   2003-10-06 - Version 1.2.2
##	- Fixed cron counter for contemporary accesses (Tanks to matrix)
##   2003-10-04 - Version 1.2.1
##	- Fixed bugs with automatic optimize whit mysql 4 (Tanks to a.banderas)
##	- Fixed little bugs with the language
##	- Added the translation in French (Tanks to Dr DLP)
##	- Added the function to Show only tables not optimized
##   2003-09-21 - Version 1.2.0
##	- Added a Configuration panel to optimize the database in automatic
##	- Added the function to show only some tables
##   2003-09-17 - Version 1.1.1
##	- Fixed bug with MySQL 4 and same little bugs (Tanks to a.banderas)
##   2003-09-03 - Version 1.1.0 
##	- Conformed to the phpBB coding standars ed fixed same bugs
##   2003-08-12 - Version 1.0.0
##	- Initial Release
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
下載頁面 http://www.phpbbhacks.com/viewhack.php?id=1748


代碼: 選擇全部

#-----[ 打開 ]------------------------------------------ 


#-----[ 尋找 ]------------------------------------------ 

$lang['Backup_options'] = '備份選項';

#-----[ 在前面加上 ]------------------------------------------ 

// Start Optimize Database

$lang['Optimize'] = '最佳化';
$lang['Optimize_explain'] = 'Here it\'s possible to optimize the contained data in the tables of the database. You can eliminate in this way the parts of the data that contain some empty spaces.<br />This operation must regularly be performs so that your database to make reliable and it has to maintain a speed of correct execution.';
$lang['Optimize_DB'] = '最佳化資料庫';
$lang['Optimize_Enable_cron'] = "啟動定時執行";
$lang['Optimize_Cron_every'] = "定時執行週期";
$lang['Optimize_month'] = "月";
$lang['Optimize_2weeks'] = "2週";
$lang['Optimize_week'] = "週";
$lang['Optimize_3days'] = "3天";
$lang['Optimize_day'] = "天";
$lang['Optimize_6hours'] = "6小時";
$lang['Optimize_hour'] = "小時";
$lang['Optimize_30minutes'] = "30分鐘";
$lang['Optimize_20seconds'] = "20秒鐘(測試使用)";
$lang['Optimize_Current_time'] = "目前時間";
$lang['Optimize_Next_cron_action'] = "下次執行時間";
$lang['Optimize_Performed_Cron'] = "已執行次數";
$lang['Optimize_Show_not_optimized'] = '只顯示未最佳化的表格';
$lang['Optimize_Show_begin_for'] = '只顯示開頭字串為右欄的表格';
$lang['Optimize_Configure'] = '設定';
$lang['Optimize_Table'] = '表格';
$lang['Optimize_Record'] = '記錄';
$lang['Optimize_Type'] = '型式';
$lang['Optimize_Size'] = '大小';
$lang['Optimize_Status'] = '狀態';
$lang['Optimize_CheckAll'] = '全選';
$lang['Optimize_UncheckAll'] = '全部取消';
$lang['Optimize_InvertChecked'] = '反向選擇';
$lang['Optimize_return'] = '按 %s這裏%s 回到最佳化資料庫';
$lang['Optimize_success'] = '資料庫最佳化已完成';
$lang['Optimize_NoTableChecked'] = '<b>沒有</b> 選擇任何表格';

// End Optimize Database
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