對於這種情況,我在官方找到根幾個ANTI-SPAM MOD.
外掛名稱: Registration Disable Website Signature
官方認可外掛類別: 58 Profile
(註: 此外掛不需要動語系檔)
裡面包括一個ADD-ON: AUTO-BAN(自動封IP) ,便可以讓這些非法的會員永遠不得登錄你的網站。
只要BOT機器人或者任何非法會員,在註冊時強制地填寫個人網站或者個性簽名檔,就會遭到被封鎖IP (BAN IP)的後果。
代碼: 選擇全部
## 外掛名稱: No Website Signature during registration
## 外掛作者: EXreaction < exreaction@gotechzilla.com > (Nathan Guse) http://www.gotechzilla.com
## 外掛簡介: When a user registers, the website and signature sections are removed, and they are not
## allowed to register if they enter in anything
## 外掛版本: 1.1.11
## 安裝難度: 簡單
## 安裝需時: 約2-3分鍾
## 修改檔案(EDITED FILES): includes/usercp_register.php
## templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl
## 外掛附件(Included Files): 沒有
## 外掛歷史:
## 2006-02-22 - Version 1.0.0
## - (no version notes)
## 2006-03-12 - Version 1.0.1
## - Re-wrote the MOD...I learned a much easier and better way to do it since 1.0.0
## 2006-03-17 - Version 1.0.2
## - Fixed it so bots can't fill it in even though it is hidden
## (basically it is version 1.0.0 plus version 1.0.1)
## 2006-03-27 - Version 1.0.3
## - Fixed a few things...
## 2006-04-23 - Version 1.1.0
## - Made it so that instead of just setting the website sig to nothing, if someone enters anything in
## they are not allowed to register(only stops bots(that enter something in there)...
## people won't see it anyways, so they won't enter anything in)
## 2006-05-13 - Version 1.1.1
## - Added session_end() so that when the bot is banned, they can't keep trying to register...
## ...and fixed a few other problems. :p
## 2006-05-14 - Version 1.1.11
## - Minor mistake fixed :p
1. 下載外掛後請解壓縮,打開後請按Website Signature Remove 1.1.11.mod
2. 這個外掛非法簡單,按著裡面的指示修改檔案。
3. 本外掛不需要更新資料庫,也不需要上傳任何附件。
4. 修改好檔案後請務必做以下這一點(這個可以在安裝指導中看到)
#-----[ DIY INSTRUCTIONS (自由安裝)-----------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN]---------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
代碼: 選擇全部
$ban_ip = false;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
代碼: 選擇全部
$ban_ip = true;